Excellence award 2018

[vc_row padding_bottom=”15″][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”30076″ img_size=”640″][vc_column_text]Club efficience rewarded 30 scholarships to students (of an amount ranging from 500 to 5000 euros) based on merit (academic history, results, and attendance) and household income, nominated by different school associations and higher education institutions.

The ceremony took place 14 March 2018 in the projection room of Canal+, a partner of the program.

Many public personalities were present at the ceremony including Jules Armand Aniambossou, Coordinator of Presidential Advisory for Africa, Marie Lebec, deputy of La Republique en Marche, Jacque Du Puy, President of Canal+ International, Jean-Christophe Ramos, General Director of Corporate Affairs of Canal+ International, and Richard Nouni, General Director of CFAO Technologies.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]