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After the success of the previous edition, Club Efficience https://club-efficience.com is preparing the 5th edition of « Gotha Noir d’Europe » https://club-efficience.com/gotha-noir/ which once again will put highlights the success stories of diaspora talents in: France, England, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Scandinavian countries…

« Gotha Noir d’Europe », a reference book, will highlight examples of those who contribute to the influence of diasporas in Europe.

 » To defy prejudices by example  » is the goal of the »Gotha Noir d’Europe ».

You feel that your profile can be an inspiration for the younger generation, we need to collect, at your source, the essential elements illustrating the key points of your career, your training, work, distinctions , hobbies…

This is why we would be grateful if you could send us your biography in 2500 characters (spaces included) in Word format, respecting the 6-segment template below:

Title 1: your first and last name

Title 2: Your title and current main function.

Inset: 3 remarkable dates of your course.

Paragraph 1: This must include your date and place of birth, the nationality of your parents, your education and your country of residence.

Paragraph 2: State your career path here.

Paragraph 3: This is where you have to discuss your various actions and their results

Take inspiration from the examples in the extract opposite.

Send it all accompanied by a photo of very good quality (300dpi) in electronic format to: directeurgothanoir@club-efficience.com

Thank you in advance for your contribution and your quick response, I remain at your disposal to bring you any additional information if necessary.


Secretary General of « Club Efficience »

Publishing Director of the « Gotha Noir d’Europe »

directeurgothanoir@club-efficience.com[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type= »color » bg_color= »#000000″ padding_top= »20″ padding_right= »90″][vc_column css= ».vc_custom_1473017823309{padding-left: 60px !important;} »][vc_empty_space height= »60″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row type= »image » enable_parallax= »false » bg_image= »25508″][vc_column width= »1/3″][vc_empty_space height= »27px »][vc_icon icon_fontawesome= »fa fa-trophy » color= »white » size= »xl » align= »center » css_animation= »appear »][vc_empty_space height= »27px »][vc_column_text letter_spacing= » »]


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